Here is where you will find all the old news, archived. You may look through it if you wish.

And now we have chapter 4 of Reimagined, ready for your reading pleasure. (Noticing a trend yet? >_>; I should get going on all those other things... like Aiiro...)

Chapter 3 of Star Sweep Reimagined is out!

Did a couple more forum tweaks... as well as much headdesking over how to get that smilies in thread titles code to work like it should. >_> I DO NOT WANT YOUR [img]blah blah image code I don't want[/img]. I WANT XD. OR AT LEAST :lol:.

Chapter 2 of Star Sweep Reimagined is out! ^_^

Chapter 1 of Star Sweep Reimagined is out! Also, I think I can actually promise a solid updating schedule for this one, unlike Aiiro. :P Star Sweep Reimagined will update every Tuesday, give or take. (I might end up being busy some weeks, so it might not always end up being on Tuesday. But every week-ish.)
*ALSO* I just redid the top banner, and organized the other images for the site. Including the linking banners. So if you were using a linking banner before, you'll have to update with the new image code, or you'll end up with a broken image. Thanks. ^_^

Behold, for we now have a Fanfics section! *pokes the above button* And with it comes the story Star Sweep Reimagined... yes, I know you don't know what Star Sweep is. Go look and find out. ^_~

We now have a rating system! So now parents can get an idea what kind of stuff their kids are looking at if they so desire. ;)

HEY LOOK! Page 3 of Aiiro No Kunoichi finally came out!
I highly doubt that page 4 is coming anytime soon, but you know what I mean. :P

Check out the top of this page. *pokepoke* Shiny buttons. :D Don't you just wanna click them? Oooooh, they actually LEAD to places. Sweet.
...Or in other words, we have new linking buttons now, for extra shininess convenience. ^_^

The new :lol: smiley now works in thread titles... even better than the other smilies do, actually. :P Though it's still a bit glitchy in some areas, like when you preview your posts. I'll get this stuff figured out eventually, I swear. >_>

So it seems that the spambots have finally started to acknowledge the forum's existence. XD; A flood of none, and then suddenly two within two days. (They seem to like the Aiiro No Kunoichi thread, too...)
So I guess I should make a mention now: if you see a post filled with weird jibberish that links to weird Chinese sites, DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS. They could give your computer viruses and all that nasty junk. Which is no good.
If you see a spambot post, the best thing to do would be to just PM me about it and wait for me to come on, delete it, and ban the bot for good. Thanks. ^_^

Happy Independence Day to all you Americans out there! ^_^

Alright, AmysGames is back after a long trip home and a nice long bath. ^_^ Cleanliness!
And, of course, the forum is back up now. I'm sort of surprised it stayed in maintenance mode the whole time, honestly. XD; But yay, it did. Oh, and enjoy the added smiley! Though it currently doesn't work in the topic titles like the other smilies do. I'll see if I can get that fixed.

I'm going to be away from the computer for a while, so there won't be any updates until sometime this Friday. (There might not have been anyway, but shush. >_>)
Because of the lack of moderators at the forum, I'm putting it into maintenance mode until I get back. This means it is currently only accessible to forum moderators. (Meaning, well, me. <_<) This is so there won't have to be an unmoderated forum while I am gone. ^_^ Not that I'm expecting there to be any problems going on there, but I would much rather be safe than sorry. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I do hope you understand.


Happy birthday to Omniscia, another one of our game designers! ^_^ May all your birthday wishes come true!