Here is where you will find all the old news, archived. You may look through it if you wish.

Aanndd here we go. :3 Now you can get an inside look at AmysGames' anniversary planning! (The movie's a little over two minutes long. ^_~)

So a year ago today, A.G. had finished a game called Super Sphere Struggle and told herself, "bah! You need to put up your site already so you can show this off!" And so, that's what she did. And on that day, December 6th of 2007, AmysGames the site first appeared on the web for all to see.
And so I say, happy first anniversary, AmysGames! ^_^ You may still have a long way to go, but you've also come quite a ways from what you were a year ago. Here's looking forward to many more years, and hopefully lots of exciting new features in the meantime!
(I had something special planned for today, but it looks like it's going be delayed a bit. Keep your eyes out, though!)

Everything's wrapped up in the epilogue of Star Sweep Reimagined. ^_^ Thanks to everyone who read that story, and thanks in advance to those who will!

Aanndd with chapter 10 of Star Sweep Reimagined up, we bring ourselves to the end of our tale. And it took, what, three months? Phew!
I have the feeling it's not quite over though... perhaps we should be keeping an eye out to see what happens next week!

I added an Off-Topic category to the forum, so you can talk about non-AmysGames things there now. ^_^ Have fun!

I just realized that the link for chapter 9 in the Star Sweep Reimagined index wasn't working. XD; That was because I accidentally typo'd the page name as "chpater9.htm" or something like that. Whoops. Anyway, I fixed the typo and the link should work now. Sorry about that.

Aanndd there you go. One chapter 9, ready for your reading pleasure. ^_^ Ooh, there seems to be a lot of plot exposition this time around...

Sorry, no Reimagined update today. Got really preoccupied with NaNo, some various other projects, and some real life things, and by the time I thought to draw chapter 9 pictures, it was already late. ^_^; But don't fret! I'll see if I can get them done by tomorrow.

What with all the hype over NaNoWriMo, I almost forgot to draw Reimagined pictures. ^_^; But I managed to get them done, and now an ominous chapter 8 of Star Sweep Reimagined is out. Fear.

Whoa, what? New Aiiro page? Duuude, it really DOES update now and again! (The panels are bigger... which A.G. thinks might make the updates a bit more frequent. We'll have to see though.)
Oh, and... *pokes the calendar, but says nothing* :3

If you can't guess what I'm about to say, then you haven't been watching the news for the past... monthish. :P Anyway, chapter 7 of Star Sweep Reimagined is out. Ooh, I smell ominousness coming up...

Chapter 6 of Star Sweep Reimagined is out. ^_^


Happy birthday to Celestial, one of our game designers! ^_^ Here's to many more years to come!

Guess what I almost forgot to do this week? ^_^; But anyway, I managed to finish the pictures for chapter 5 of Star Sweep Reimagined this morning, and so now the chapter is ready for view. (Maybe I should get started on the pics for chapter 6 early...)

It's not Aiiro, but if you were ever wondering How I Make My Music, now you can find out. :D