Here is where you will find all the old news, archived. You may look through it if you wish.

Er, this week's Aiiro is going to be late. I have no real reason other than "I was lazy this week." But at least I worked on other things?

And chapter two of Aiiro No Kunoichi has begun! Enjoy!

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of Aiiro sketchbooks/bonus comics these past couple weeks; I was running out of ideas for things to post and forgot to say anything about it. ^_^; But in good news, Aiiro proper will be returning very soon! Expect an update sometime within the next day or two!

In other news, I just went through and found a bunch of old Venustus art that I neglected to upload before, so check out the abundance of new entries in the Venustus Decus sketchbook!

Still a bit, erm... behind with Aiiro scripts, so enjoy another exciting new sketchbook entry! Yay!
In possibly related news, AmysGames is on Tumblr! It's been around for a while, I just never got around to actually mentioning it in the news. Oops.

Still working on that chapter two! In the meantime, enjoy an exceedingly silly bonus comic I wrote as filler for Aiiro No Ninja: The Legacy.

Since I still need to work on the script for chapter two, here's a new Aiiro No Kunoichi sketchbook entry! Check out the never before seen original version of page one! Exciting stuff.

09/01/12 (again)
Hi guys! Sorry for the downtime; there was a power outage in the area. But we're back up and running now!

And that's the last page of Aiiro No Kunoichi chapter one! Phew! It's taken quite a while, hasn't it? Anyway, here to say that the start to chapter two may be a bit delayed due to me still needing to work on the script. In such a case, I'll put up bonus comics or sketchbooks or something in the meantime. Stay tuned!

A new version of the Character Guessing Game is here! This update comes with some fun new questions, more character interactivity, and even a new character: Makoto Minosei of Aiiro No Kunoichi!

Sorry for the delay! But a shiny new Aiiro is up this week. Hooray!
In related news, there's a new character profile available on the Aiiro No Kunoichi index page. Check it out!

Haven't been feeling well these past couple of days, so this week's Aiiro is going to be late. Not sure when it will be up, but hopefully soon.

Kept forgetting to scan them, but there are now some new entries in the Aiiro No Kunoichi sketchbook themed on this past Backstory Month! Enjoy!

The final page of Aiiro No Ninja: The Legacy is here, and with that, Backstory Month comes to a close. The comic can be viewed in its entirety in the archives now. Thanks everyone for reading! Expect an Aiiro No Kunoichi proper page this Saturday!

Guess I forgot to put up today's Backstory Month comic up last night. Oops! It's up now. Sorry for the delay!