Here is where you will find all the old news, archived. You may look through it if you wish.

A few more questions have been added to the Character Guessing Game! Check it out!

12/08/12 (again)
The new Aiiro No Kunoichi is finally here! Huge apologies for the ridiculous delay. XD;; There's also a matching sketchbook entry!

And thus concludes Character Charades! Go ahead and check out all the answers, and thanks to everyone who participated!
Also, there will be a new Aiiro soon! It's just running a bit late because the Character Charades comics took longer to draw than anticipated. ^_^;

The last round of Character Charades is up! See if you can guess correctly! (Even if the pickings are pretty slim now. :P)

Today the site officially turns five years old. Happy anniversary, AmysGames! Fittingly, round five of Character Charades is up!

And now we move on to round four of Character Charades! We've got a relatively easy one this round.

Round three of Character Charades is here... and this one comes with a special bonus comic! Hurray!

The answers for yesterday's round of Character Charades are up, and so is the new round! Uh oh, seems the characters are much less specific this round...

To celebrate AmysGames fifth anniversary this Thursday, we're having a week-long event called AmysGames Character Charades! Each character will try and imitate another character, and you have to guess who they're trying to imitate! Can you guess them all? (Or perhaps you can just watch the hilarious antics if you prefer.)

Aiiro No Kunoichi will return next week. Sorry for the wait! In the meantime, stay tuned for the upcoming anniversary event!

Still haven't had the time to finish the comic, but perhaps you can be appeased by some assorted new sketchbook entries!

I am so sorry for the continued Aiiro delays! I've been participating in NaNoWriMo this year, and unfortunately my novel has been dragging so slowly that it's been taking most of my free time just to write it. x_x But I'll try and get the next page up ASAP!

This week's Aiiro is almost definitely going to be late, possibly delayed until next week, if just because of how incredibly busy I've been this past week. XD; Sorry! I'll try to get it up soon.

Happy Halloween, everyone! May your night be full of delightful spooks and lots of sugar.

New Aiiro No Kunoichi page is here! Sorry for the delay!