Here is where you will find all the old news, archived. You may look through it if you wish.

Hello everyone! This past week I've been sick with what I suspect was the flu. :( Thankfully I'm doing a lot better now, but regardless there will be no Aiiro page this week. In the meantime, though, there's a new sketchbook entry!

It's recently come to my attention that my layout wasn't quite working right for IE users, so I've been working on it and now it looks... sort of better. Working on it, though!

Looks like the upcoming Villain Week was messing up my calendar! Pesky villains. Anyway, it's been fixed now.

Alright, the new Aiiro page is up now! As much as I blamed the internet last news update, I'll also have to chalk some of it up to those crazy ninja poses Sanori apparently likes to strike. It's almost like she's a ninja or something, gosh.

This week's Aiiro page is definitely going to be late. I don't really have an excuse other than "the internet distracted me." XD; INTERNEEEET! *shakes fist*

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I hope you all have a great day with your loved ones. ^_^

Character profiles have been added to the Larissa's Great Adventure page! Be sure to check them out!

Okay, a bit later than I was expecting, but page 16 is up now! And things are starting to get interesting...

This week's Aiiro No Kunoichi will be a bit late, for various reasons, mostly related to me getting distracted by various other tasks. (One of them was Venustus, so that's my excuse. :P) It will probably be up sometime during the day tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

And page 14 is finally here! Can you guess why this one was late? :P Speaking of which, there's a new sketchbook entry, too.

This week's Aiiro comic is still being worked on and will be up late. I'm not sure how late, but I'll try to get it up soon!

With today's Aiiro update comes a new sketchbook entry! Also, I did a bit of experiment with facial details in this update. Feel free to let me know what you think. :)

Decided to clean up the forums a bit, deleting some redundant boards I had put in early on. Any suggestions or bug reports are welcome in the corresponding review threads!

Happy New Year, everyone! Today's Aiiro page is the last page of 2011. And it's page 11, to boot! Look at all those 11s! Anyway, here's looking forward to a great year. :)

The server's back up and running! Sorry about that, turned out the new network hard drive we got for Christmas had some FTP settings that were conflicting with our server. But everything should be back up and running now!