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Chapter 2: The Legend of the Niji Chikara
Release DateNovember 18, 2023
End DateMay 25, 2024
Characters Red Fire
Blue Water
Green Nature
Rikou Nikara
...And more!
Location(s) Taishoki City
Previous Chapter 1: Light From the Sky
Next None

Chapter 2: The Legend of the Niji Chikara

In Chapter 2 of Niji Chikara, Chishiki and Yukai learn about the Niji Chikara.

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Plot Synopsis

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Rikou Nikara takes Chishiki and Yukai to her home. She shows them a book that has been passed down in her family for generations, which describes the Niji Chikara and the Darkness. Rikou emphasizes the girls' role in purifying the villains, noting that they can only do it with all four Niji Chikara heroines present, and thus urges them to find their other two teammates as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, the now-unmasked Malice returns home, where he is greeted by his wife, Kietsu. We learn that his real name is Teinei.

Back at Rikou's house, Rikou encourages the girls to exchange phone numbers so that they can stay in contact. Chishiki admits that she doesn't own a cell phone, to the surprise of the others. Rikou encourages her to get one.

Upon heading home, Chishiki lies to her mom about meeting a classmate at the library, using this as an excuse to ask for a cell phone. Chishiki's mom enthusiastically agrees, immediately taking Chishiki to the store to purchase one.

The next morning, at school, Chishiki shows her new cell phone to her friend Jin, mentioning that she has no idea how to use it. As Jin attempts to teach her, Yukai interrupts, cheerfully greeting Chishiki. When Jin asks how the two met, Chishiki again lies and says that they met at the library.

Meanwhile, Teinei is confronted at work by his angry boss, who questions him about an incomplete report. Although Teinei fumbles for an excuse, his boss is having none of it, and fires Teinei on the spot. Teinei does not take this well.

Back at school, Jin receives a text informing her of an explosion at her dad's workplace. As Jin leaves to call her mom, Yukai checks the news on her phone to confirm that there have been reports of multiple explosions downtown. Concluding that this must be Masked Malice's doing, she and Chishiki rush off to the bathrooms in order to transform and go after him.

Sure enough, they encounter Masked Malice downtown, and they engage with him in battle. In the midst of their battle, Green Nature appears, to the surprise of everyone. With Green's help, the heroines are able to fend Malice off, and he retreats. Green is confused why the others are letting him go, to which Red explains that it's the best that they can do for now.

The three heroines meet in an alleyway, where Red and Blue explain to Green what Rikou told them. Notably, they ask for her help in finding Yellow Lightning. The three of them exchange phone numbers, where they learn that Green's real name is Jikyuu, and that she goes to another high school called Maple Valley High School. Jikyuu tells them she'll text them if she finds Yellow, and the three of them part ways.