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<s>Villain</s> Hero Week 2012
Release DateMarch 25, 2012
Characters Gloria Rosebloom
Larissa Jeniver
Sanori Minosei
Red Fire
...And more!
Location(s) AmysGames Offices

Villain Hero Week 2012

Villain Hero Week 2012 was a short comic series done for Villain Week 2012. As the villains of AmysGames are getting ready for another great Villain Week, the heroes of AmysGames butt in and point out that the heroes haven't gotten nearly as much spotlight. A.G. agrees, and decides to let the villains introduce their hero counterparts. This can't possibly go wrong!

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Plot Synopsis

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As the villains are getting ready to start a new Villain Week, the heroes interrupt and point out that A.G. hasn't released nearly as much content about the heroes. A.G. agrees, and decides to let the villains introduce their hero counterparts. It goes about as well as you would expect, though with surprisingly little violence.