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Unias Praetris
Unias Praetris

Release DateAugust 1, 2020
Timeline (?)6 BM - MC
Characters Vallen Hawkeye
Almodine Werr
Avrum Didacus
Colonel Lucho
...And more!
Location(s) Adaru

Unias Praetris

Unias Praetris was a comic done for Backstory Month 2020. It features a young Vallen and Almodine, and their first encounter with the oppressive Tilotarian military.

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Plot Synopsis

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In their homeworld of Sutilos, Vallen and Almodine are attending a festival with their respective parents. While there, they encounter a bard, who sings a song about an ancient legend where a group of people known as the Unias Praetris would travel between worlds and spread peace. The children are fascinated by this tale, though Almodine's father does not believe other worlds to truly exist.

However, some time later, a mysterious stranger known as Colonel Lucho arrives in their city, proclaiming himself to be from another world (Tilotaria) and that he can bring them prosperity and knowledge. Despite the reservations of some of the locals—especially Vallen's father, Berk Hawkeye—the Sutilian council agrees to the treaty.

Unfortunately, the treaty does not go as expected, and the Tilotarians begin to take over more and more of the Sutilian culture. In response to this, Berk Hawkeye attacks Colonel Lucho, but is easily defeated by the much more powerful colonel. Vallen, enraged by this, chases after Lucho, following him through a portal. Almodine follows suit, and Berk watches in horror as the portal disappears, swallowing the two children.

Vallen and Almodine find themselves in the Muilic Greenhouse, where they overhear a disagreement between Colonel Lucho and Avrum Didacus. Lucho leaves without noticing the two children, leaving Avrum to speak with them alone. Vallen and Almodine tell him that they don't know how to get home, and Avrum agrees to help them how he can.

He brings them to the Muilican council chambers, showing them an ancient artifact known as the Mersotsuci—a device that allows the user to travel between worlds, so long as they possess the corresponding World Stone. The children ask if the Tilotarians use one of these devices too, to which Avrum explains that they use a different artifact given to them by their Guardian, which are not restricted by World Stones. He further explains that the Tilotarians have been using this power to attempt to take control of the other worlds, something that he believes will disrupt the balance of the worlds.

Unfortunately, Avrum finds that he does not have the World Stone for Sutilos, and thus is unable to send the children home. He promises to take care of them until they find a solution.

Vallen, meanwhile, finds himself particularly struck by Avrum's words, believing that he and Almodine were destined to come to Muilic and become the new Unias Praetris. Thus, Vallen begs Avrum to let him come with him to visit other worlds. Avrum is reluctant, but eventually agrees.

The first world they travel to is Adaru, where they meet Kirsten Doriel. While there, Colonel Tonnet makes an appearance and attempts to persuade the locals to join with Tilotaria. Avrum, Vallen, and Kirsten team up to speak against him, ultimately driving him off with Kirsten's water magic. While Vallen celebrates their victory, Avrum warns them of the danger of provoking Tilotarian colonels.

Afterward, Vallen speaks with Kirsten. Kirsten speaks of her dream of visiting other worlds, and Vallen speaks of his dream of creating a new Unias Praetris. Kirsten agrees to join, though unfamiliar with the term, suggests calling it "Unipra" for short.

Over time, Vallen forms the Unipra, including Almodine, Kirsten, and several others from across the worlds. They vow to stop the Tilotarian military and restore world balance.

Unfortunately, this ultimately backfires on them, after things go too far and the Tilotarians declare war. Vallen laments his mistakes, before passing out from combat wounds. Moments later, he wakes up to find himself healed, with Gloria Rosebloom standing over him.